Candidates About
Ajay Pratap Singh
(+91) 9971829842 | | Noida 20104, U.P.
Programming Languages: Java, Python
IDE & Tools: Jupyter Notebook, Visual Studio Code, PyCharm, Google Colab
Miscellaneous: Data Visualization, Data Analysis, Data Preprocessing, Machine Learning,NumPy,
Matplotlib, Pandas, Database Management Systems (DBMS), OOPS, HTML, CSS, Javascript
Language Proficiency: English, Hindi
Website Authentication Page July 2023- Aug 2023
Used Javascript for backend development.
Used Express js for server creation.
Used Postman API for request verifications.
Used Mongodb for data storage using mongoose.
House Price Prediction Feb 2023
Developed a House Price Prediction website using frameworks CSS, HTML and Python (Flask).
Collected and processed real estate data, performed EDA using NumPy, Matplotlib, Pandas.
The project has real life applications in real estate websites.
Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida
Bachelor of Computer Science and Technology (Data Science)-CGPA:8.3/10 -August 2024
Maharishi Vidya Mandir, Noida
Intermediate (CBSE)-78% -April 2020
Maharishi Vidya Mandir, Noida
High School (CBSE)-87% -April 2018
Data Science Intern at OasisInfobyte July 2023
Successfully completed daily modules on Machine Learning, data mining, and data cleansing during my
virtual remote internship. Through project-based assessments, gained valuable skills in machine learning
modelling, data visualization, exploratory data analysis, and effective data management and also learned
different python libraries.
Used datasetsfor data preprocessing and analysis to and deployed ML models to predict different
During this internship 5 task assigned 1- Iris Flower Detection, 2- Unemployment analysis using python, 3-
Email spam detection using machine learning, 4- Car price prediction using ML, 5- Sales price prediction